The warmer the weather gets, the more layers we shed. It might be only the beginning of March but the past few days were feeling more like May... Don't want to brag but I got to wear shorts with bare legs. #sorrynotsorry #seriouslythoughyoushouldmovetogreece

Today's post is gonna be a quick outfit of the day. I have been super busy lately so I haven't had the time to prepare my regular style posts for you guys.
I opted for a really simple, clean look. I always go back to basic pieces and this time I chose to wear white tailored shorts with a simple white crop top and a chunky knit cardigan. All white can be a little daunting so I added neutral colors to for a really subtle splash of color. You might have noticed the lack of accessories. Well, I just wanted to go full minimal with this look.

SHORTS | MYA Collection (Shop Similar Here)
TOP | Shop Similar Here
CHUNKY KNIT | Handmade by a friend of mine. If you are interested contact me at:
Stay Chic,Stay Glam